About Me

I am a teacher and traveler. I take what I hameve learned from my experiences, and share them with all of you to educate on liberated and safe travel. My goal is to empower anyone wishing to explore, and spark an interest in those that have not thought seriously about travel.

I am not a professional blogger, photographer, or traveler.  I teach 5th grade and use my free time to explore and share what I can on here.  I have found happiness in connecting with other travelers.  It feels as though my ability to inspire has gone beyond the subjects I teach at school, and filtered into an outside passion.  I love it.

My goal is to build a community on here that is welcome to ideas from anyone wishing to share.  I hope you enjoy!

29 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I just saw that you won first prize in the Rick Steves’ scrapbook contest. Congratulations! Looks like you will be traveling again soon. Your entry was stunning and so interesting. I’ll be sure to re-visit a number of times. I have traveled to a number of the places in your scrapbook either with Rick or on my own. It is always nice to see them through others’ eyes. I go to Village Italy with RS in October with a few days on my own in Venice up front. I am staying in the Castello area. If you have the time and any suggestions for me, I would appreciate it. I love to get a real feel of a city/place through its people… a reason I particularly loved your personal contact sections. Happy Travels! Sherrie from Cape Cod

    1. Hi Sherrie! Thank you for stopping by. I stayed in the Castello neighborhood on my first visit to Venice and loved it! Unfortunately, I don’t have time to write to you now, but I will later tonight.

  2. Hi your blog is very informative (much more informative than mine, I am just too lazy to write. 🙂 ) and the pictures are beautiful. Thanks for visiting mine and give me a chance to find yours!

  3. Hey girl! So glad I stumbled upon your blog… I love the structure of your blog and one day hope to take mine in a similar direction! Isn’t travel SO wonderful and addicting? 😉

  4. Isn’t it funny how teaching and travelling can both become passions for many. Yet it’s so so wonderful to have the balance offered by the two. Teaching days can take you from euphoria to deep stress depending on how each particular day day unfolds…. yet you always have to keep gliding like a swan across a lake and even when the going gets tough! Yet I believe travelling can be like this too (maybe with less of the gliding perhaps!) Thankfully I’ve been very lucky with the so far. By the way I love your blog.

  5. Thanks so much for visiting and following our blog. We are back after an extended summer break, hope you will enjoy reading more about our Tuscan life again. Your blog is very inspiring, gives me itchy feet just reading and looking…

  6. Hi Melissa-
    I linked to your blog from the WordPress newsletter which listed your blog as one which has “recurring events” about travel. Great and inspiring travel pieces here, but it’s not quite clear to me if you have a weekly “event” to which others contribute, or if your writing — a new place — IS the weekly event.

    Thank you for any clarification!

    1. Hello Dianne, I had a weekly event, but I was not getting much participation, so I stopped. Do you think it might be worthwhile to continue? The theme was a travel journey of the week where one location was selected and people could post all they wanted about it.

      1. I just found you too, through WordPress. I was hoping that you’d continue it, as well. I noticed that Nicaragua hasn’t been done yet. I’m not sure if you’re doing Central America. Like I said, I’m new, but either way I’d love to talk about some of the places I’ve been with other world travelers.

  7. Hi there,
    you have a great blog and goal,
    of course i enjoy ‘surfing’ here 😀

    And if you looking for a country with more than 17000 island, hundreds culture, anda awesome place, you must visit Indonesia 😀

  8. Love your blog! I’m also a teacher and a traveler as well. I realized that by teaching and living in SE Asia, it has given me more opportunities to travel and see more of the world 🙂

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